Monday 17 November 2014

protein lab

1) Q: What type of bond is found in the primary structure(between amino acids)?
     A:  The peptide bond is found between the amino acids in the primary structure.

2) Q: Why does the secondary structure form (alpha helix)?
     A: It forms because of the polar peptide bonds between the amino acids and the chain twists.

3) Q: What created the 3rd structure? Why did your protein look different than everyone else?
     A: THe 3rd structure was created by interactions between R groups, covelent bonds. It looked different because the amino acids were different. 

4) Q: How was the 4th structure created?
    A: The 4th structure was created because 2 or more poly peptides are stuck together. 

5) Q: Would your protein have the same shape if you changed the primary structure?
     A: Yes the shape would change because the amino acids would be different and it would change the overall structure.


Friday 14 November 2014

colon cancer surgery

After seeing these live posts and pictures of this operation. It was kind of gross but very interesting at the same time. I was very surprised on how the surgeons put a laprascope into the abdomen which helped us see it better. It was also cool how they inserted co2 into the patients stomach to inflate it. I found it very disgusting how they used a stapler to separate the colon. I recognized some things such as colon was cool because we are learning about these things in class as well.Something new I learnt today that I did not know before was that the surgeons tattooed the tumor with ink to make it easier to find it.

Thursday 13 November 2014

interesting joint disease

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

This is a very rare disease with only about 1000 cases world wide. This is a disease that cause muscles and tissues to turn into bone which restricts movement of the body parts and locks the joints.Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva also known as FOP is the most devastating bone disorder known to man kind. Something as little as a bump can trigger the disease and cause a second skeleton to form. I chose this disease because it is very interesting and crazy how something like this can happen.

SHORT VIDEO ON CASES: fitness goal

For my fitness, the goal I want to reach is to keep getting higher throughout the year on my beep test score.I usually get around 11-12. My goal is to reach 14 by the end of this semester. I want to keep getting better and improving my score each time we do the beep test and at the end of the semester i want to achieve my goal. A work out that will help me with this, will definitely be running/ jogging regularly and working on my stamina by doing running long distance. An app that I could use to create a routine for me is 'bleep fitness test' where it lets me do the beep test and calculates my vo2 level which is great!

Respiration lab

we filled up the 2 test tubes with lime water. One student blew into one of the test tubes using a straw and other student areated the other test tube. One of the test tubes showed in picture 1 changes to a white color because co2 was mixed by the breathing of the student. 

Next the same thing will happen using 2 beakers filled with distilled water. after the process of areating and breathing a drop of universal indactor will be added to both beakers. The beaker on the right in picture 2 turns yellow this indicates that co2 reached the water and shows that it is more acidic in pH level. The other beaker was areated and changes to a green color that shows it is neutral.

Vital capacity

These pictures represent how oxygen enters our lungs.  The straw in the picture represents the trachea while the green balloon on the bottom represents the diaphragm.   In picture one, everybody can see that when the diaphragm is pulled downward the balloon is full of air similarly in our body, the diaphragm must move down then the air will go through the trachea and into our lungs.  Also, as the diaphragm returns to it's original position, carbon dioxide will leave the body through the trachea.


Tuesday 21 October 2014

My interesting post

the average human can hold their breath for 30-60 seconds. This limitation has more to do with the buildup of blood-acidifying carbon dioxide than the lack of oxygen, which your body stores in muscle proteins called myoglobin. People such as free-divers who practice diving underwater without scuba gear, have different techniques, such as hyperventilation, to decrease the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, allowing them to hold their breath for longer times. Denmark's Stig Severinsen currently holds the Guinness World Record for the longest free dive. In 2010, he held his breath underwater for 22 minutes.

Monday 20 October 2014

Fitness goal

My goal is to increase my stamina. My fitness test will be the beep test. I will train by going for runs every morning

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Interim report - HKin Coop

Hi Mom and Dad!
This is my interim report for the Human Kinetics Coop.

So far, the highlights for me have been:
- Beep test
- heart quiz
- rock climbing trip

I am the most proud of:
beep test

The most interesting things I have learned about are:
how our heart pumps
Calculating our heart beat(vo2 max)

An example of when I really pushed myself in SuperFit is:
Beep test

I could make improvements in:
Listening more carefully

I am really looking forward to:
- learning more about the heart
- Beep test

The Basics - WORK HABITS:

Attendance (classes missed and why) - some missed because of soccer games.

Participation in field trips (woo kim, grouse grind, rock climbing) - all except grouse grind

Lates (how many & reasons) - sometimes because lunch

Preparedness for class (gym strip &/or supplies) - always

Class time management (are you using your class time to complete your work?  engaged in class discussion? participating? following along? doing your best? or talking too much? ) - sometimes get distracted. Can improve more, but still complete my work.

Blog assignment completion - (out of 8 assignments) Comments? finished 7/8 to my full extent.

Self evaluation of work habits for each class in coop - G/S/N 

Biology 12:G
Exercise Science 12:G
Super Fit 12:G

Tuesday 14 October 2014

vo2 max

my vo2 max according to my beep test is 52. It was good but i think i can improve and increase my vo2 max.

Grouse Grind Post

During the Grouse Grind i believe i reached zone 4. My heart was beating a lot faster than usual and my body temperature increased dramatically causing me to sweat and get dehydrated. The higher i went up the mountain the more steep it got. It became very hard to climb the mountain once i hit the half mark. My muscles were tired and i wanted to give up and just go back. I had no energy left and my pace slowed down a lot.I believe my aerobic system was used during the grouse grind because it was high indurance and my heart rate increased. During the Grouse my fat was used to fuel my body and give me more energy and then burned off as sweat and cellular respiration.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Heart Dissection Lab

external observation:
The heart was a lot bloodier than i expected it to be. It made me sick looking at the heart and how real it was. It was bigger than i expected and didn't really look like a heart but more like a piece of meat.

internal observation:
Although i didn't actually see the inside of the heart in person i can see in these pictures it looks a lot lighter than the outside and even more bloody. It looks like it would be soft and mushy from the inside of the heart.

1) The most surprising thing for me was how bloody and real the heart was, every time i would look at it, it would make me feel sick, this surprised me since i didn't know i would feel like that.
2) the atria only has one job to collect and squeeze blood into the ventricles. The ventricles are larger because they need to contract the blood.
3) The left ventricle pumps blood to the entire body while the right only pumps blood to the lungs. 
4) The left AV Valves (mitral) function is to close when the left ventricle contracts to prevent back flow of the blood from the left atrium and right AV valves(tricuspid) function is to close when the right ventricle contracts. Then the blood from the ventricles can go out of the heart and into the blood vessels. Mitral and tricuspid valves open when the ventricles relax and let blood enter the ventricles from the atria.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Biology - Heart anatomy

- collects oxygen-rich blood returning from the lungs
-forces it through the mitral valve and into the left ventricle
- largest and strongest chamber in the heart
- wall is only 1/2 inch thick
- has enough force to push blood through the aortic valve and into your body
- collects oxygen-poor blood returning from the body
-forces it through the tricuspid valve and into the right ventricle 
- collects oxygen-poor blood returning from the right atrium
-forces it through the pulmonary valve and into the lungs
-carry blood from heart to lungs and picks up oxygen
-largest artery
- carries oxgen-rich blood from heart to entire body
-carry oxygen-rich blood from lungs to heart
-oxygen-poor blood from the upper parts of the body returns to the heart through the superior vena cave
-oxygen-poor blood from the lower parts of the body returns to the heart through the superior vena cave
-tricuspid controls blood flow from the right atrium to the right ventricle 
-mitral controls flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle
- bring right ventricular walls closer together during contraction
 -pull the AV Valves open during atriole systole
left oxy
right deoxy
SEMI LUNAR VALVES (Pulmonary & Aortic)
-pulmonary valve control blood flow from right ventricle to the pulmonary arteries
- aortic valve controls blood from left ventricle to aorta
sperates left from right

-Coronary arteries and veins are the blood vessels that supply blood and carry blood away from the heart muscle. The left coronary arteries supply blood mainly to the left side of the heart and vice versa.  

workout 1

shoulder press: 12reps '80, 10 reps' 90, 8 reps'100,
tricep over head extension: 12reps'45, 10reps'50, 8 reps'50
bicep cable curl: 12reps'100, 10 reps'110, 8reps'120
Bicep bar curl: 3 sets, 10reps'10
Bike: 20 minutes

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Why are we blogging?

Why did you take the co-op?
I took co-op because I want to further my experience in human kinetics and want to know more about the human body.

What are your plans for next year?
I intend on going into university and take lots of business classes and explore my options.

What activities do you like to do outside of school?
I like to play soccer, and many different sports outside of school.

Have you done any fitness activities over the summer?
Yes, I played lots of soccer over the summer and worked out.

What are your fitness goals for the semester?
improve my stamina and become as fit as possible.

Add any pictures/you tube links/etc., that help you show what you like and who you are.
What is important to you & helps to define who you are?

Monday 20 January 2014

Finding Nemo

I have seen finding nemo many times before as a kid. Watching it when I was bored and thinking about how funny it was. I didn't realize anything that actually had to do with nature besides the general stuff. When I watched it this time I was trying my hardest to try and find new things that I had not discovered before. The first thing I had realized was the clown fishes habitat. I thought about how they survived in that habitat and the requirements they needed in order to survive. After thinking about that I realized the flat worm which I had never even realized in the film before and didn't remember. Another part I saw differently was the part of how the deep sea was separated from where the small fish lived and how they were scared to go there. I now realize that they cannot go into the deep sea because they wouldn't be able to survive in a new habitat. I wonder about many things in this movie. Like do fish know who humans are? are they scared of us? can they even communicate with each other and if so then how?

Second Final Question

Celebrity Organisms-
This blog was naming an organism that was named after a celebrity. Mine was Anophthalmus Hitleri which was named after Adolf Hitler.

Amazing Organisms-
This was my amazing organism and it was amazing because it was a lizard that shoots blood out of its eye to protect itself. This lizard is called a horned lizard.

Amazing/Interesting Plants-
The leaf of Darlingtonia is unique: it is tubular, and contains a fluid that digests trapped insects.

Interesting Cnidarians-
Sponges are animals of the  Porifera

Interesting Arthropods-
The Hercules beetle is a species of rhinoceros beetle that lives in South America. This beetle is the STRONGEST ANIMAL

I believe my best blog post out of these was the horned lizard. This was the lizard that shoots blood out of its eye. I chose this blog post because I believe it is the most interesting and unique one and I had a lot of fun learning about it and presenting it to the class. I learned that the horned lizard does not only shoot the blood out of its eye but it travels a length up to three feet (one meter). It also contains a chemical that is noxious to dogs, wolves, and coyotes. The thing that stands out about this post is how to the blood is poisonous and scares away and even kills predators. I chose 2. Requirements & Characteristics of Living Things. This lizard requires the blood to survive in its natural habitat and to get food for itself in able to have a healthy life. Nature has evolved and helped this animal defend itself in this way.

First final question

Within the animal kingdom we have dissected a roundworm (phylum nematoda), an earthworm (phylum annelida), a grasshopper (phylum arthropoda), a starfish (phylum echinodermata) and a grass frog (phylum vertebrata, class amphibia).
I will be discussing each of these dissections.


Feeding and Digestion
  • Roundworms have 2 openings(mouth and anus)
  • Mouth contains 3-6 rows of teeth
  • The food enters through the mouth, then into the pharynx, and then, the very long intestine. This extends all the way to the anus, where the food is eliminated.
  • These are the intestines from the roundworm
  • Male roundworms produce sperm in a long thin tube called the testes
  • Fertilization is internal
  • The female roundworm produces egg cells within the very thin, coiled ovary
  • Fertilization takes place inside of the female
Respiration, circulation, nervous system
  • Don't have a proper circulatory or respiratory system
  • Diffusion takes place in body walls
  • The 2 nerve cords in the roundworm are dorsal nerve cord and ventral nerve cord. They transmit impulses to various cells and tissues of their bodies
  • 2 openings, mouth and anus
  • They use the pharynx to bring in the food, then the food passes the esophagus and goes into the crop, the gizzard grinds it up and moves the food into the large intestine.
  • Hermaphrodites(contain male and female parts)
  • Internal reproduction
  • clitellum is used in its reproduction
Respiration, circulation, nervous system
  • diffusion takes place in body wall.
  • contain spiracles instead of lungs
  • closed circulatory system
  • have series of muscular vessels called hearts
  • aortic arches pumps blood into other 2 vessels
  • dorsal blood vessels carry blood to front of the body
  • ventral blood vessels carry blood to the back of the body
  • primitive brain, ventral nerve cord receive info and control body


  • 2 openings
  • uses mandible and two pairs of maxillae for feeding. 
  • 3 main digestive parts are foregut, midgut, and hindgut
  • internal reproduction
  • ovipositors store the eggs
  • newborns often shed skin(metamorphosis)
Respiration, circulation, nervous system
  • openings called spiracles that have tubes that are the respiratory system
  • no lungs
  • has a heart which circulates blood
  • open circulatory system
  • has a brain, nerve cord, and sensory organs
  • Complete digestion system with a mouth , two stomachs, an intestine, and an anus
  • it uses its digestive glands called pyloric caeca
  • when feeding the starfish stomach pops out and sucks in the food
  • excretes waste through anus
  • Hermaphrodites
  • external reproduction in water
  • reproductive organs calles gonads in its arms
  • reproduce asexually by Binary Fission
Respiration, circulation, nervous system
  • ampulla, which are bulbs on the inside of its arms used for respiration and circulation
  • no lungs
  • closed circulatory system
  • water vascular system
  • no brain
  • eyes on each arm 
Grass frog:
  • very similar to us
  •  digestive system consists of a stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus
  • feed on insects such as flies, etc.
  • females have a thin string which is called the oviducts
  • Reproduction has to take place in water because tadpoles can only swim
  • external fertilization
Respiration, circulation, nervous system
  • has lungs
  • respiration also takes place through their skin
  • closed circulatory system
  • has a heart and many blood vessels
  • has a brain
  • nervous system is very similar to humans nervous system



Monday 13 January 2014

frog dissection

These are all of the frogs organs labeled

These are the frogs organs

These are the frogs webbed feet

This is the frogs mouth

This is the top of the frog it was slimy with bumps and had black spots and lines with mostly greenish yellow skin

The bottom of my frog

starfish dissection

The texture on the front of the starfish was very rough and hard to cut through

This is the part of the body that intakes water

The bottom was spiny  with an indent type thing In the middle of each arm

This is the mouth where the starfish eats spits out digestive enzymes

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Grasshopper disection

My grasshopper was a male. It had a closed end(ovipositor) on the bottom of its abdomen and did not have any ovaries inside.

This picture shows the head, antannae, and compound eyes.
This photo shows the thorax which two of the legs are attached to. There is also an abdomen the long spine looking part it has eight segments on it.

The grasshopper has 6 legs. 2 for jumping and 4 are used for walking. These 2 are the jumping legs. The thigh is called the femur , thin leg is called the tibia and the foot is called the tarsus. 
These are the grasshoppers wings.

This is the inside of my grasshopper The big, brown lump at the top is the crop, where the colour starts to get lighter is the gizzard after the gizzard are the stomach and intestines.

I am excited to do more dissections like this except not another insect and learn more about animals. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Hercules Beetle

The Hercules beetle is a species of rhinoceros beetle that lives in South America. This beetle is the STRONGEST ANIMAL. It can grow to over 6 inches in length, but its most famous trait is its strength. The Hercules beetle can support 850 times its own weight on its shell. This beetle is vegetarian and is not aggressive, except to other Hercules beetles, when males fight each other over females. This species is very successful because every other animal fears it. This species is not harmful to humans or the environment. They are vegetarians so they eat decaying fruits and rotten wood.

                                                 In this video the man is trying to lift the 
                                                   beetles but cant do it without severe pain.