Wednesday 8 January 2014

Grasshopper disection

My grasshopper was a male. It had a closed end(ovipositor) on the bottom of its abdomen and did not have any ovaries inside.

This picture shows the head, antannae, and compound eyes.
This photo shows the thorax which two of the legs are attached to. There is also an abdomen the long spine looking part it has eight segments on it.

The grasshopper has 6 legs. 2 for jumping and 4 are used for walking. These 2 are the jumping legs. The thigh is called the femur , thin leg is called the tibia and the foot is called the tarsus. 
These are the grasshoppers wings.

This is the inside of my grasshopper The big, brown lump at the top is the crop, where the colour starts to get lighter is the gizzard after the gizzard are the stomach and intestines.

I am excited to do more dissections like this except not another insect and learn more about animals. 

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