Monday 20 January 2014

Second Final Question

Celebrity Organisms-
This blog was naming an organism that was named after a celebrity. Mine was Anophthalmus Hitleri which was named after Adolf Hitler.

Amazing Organisms-
This was my amazing organism and it was amazing because it was a lizard that shoots blood out of its eye to protect itself. This lizard is called a horned lizard.

Amazing/Interesting Plants-
The leaf of Darlingtonia is unique: it is tubular, and contains a fluid that digests trapped insects.

Interesting Cnidarians-
Sponges are animals of the  Porifera

Interesting Arthropods-
The Hercules beetle is a species of rhinoceros beetle that lives in South America. This beetle is the STRONGEST ANIMAL

I believe my best blog post out of these was the horned lizard. This was the lizard that shoots blood out of its eye. I chose this blog post because I believe it is the most interesting and unique one and I had a lot of fun learning about it and presenting it to the class. I learned that the horned lizard does not only shoot the blood out of its eye but it travels a length up to three feet (one meter). It also contains a chemical that is noxious to dogs, wolves, and coyotes. The thing that stands out about this post is how to the blood is poisonous and scares away and even kills predators. I chose 2. Requirements & Characteristics of Living Things. This lizard requires the blood to survive in its natural habitat and to get food for itself in able to have a healthy life. Nature has evolved and helped this animal defend itself in this way.

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