Sunday, 5 October 2014

Heart Dissection Lab

external observation:
The heart was a lot bloodier than i expected it to be. It made me sick looking at the heart and how real it was. It was bigger than i expected and didn't really look like a heart but more like a piece of meat.

internal observation:
Although i didn't actually see the inside of the heart in person i can see in these pictures it looks a lot lighter than the outside and even more bloody. It looks like it would be soft and mushy from the inside of the heart.

1) The most surprising thing for me was how bloody and real the heart was, every time i would look at it, it would make me feel sick, this surprised me since i didn't know i would feel like that.
2) the atria only has one job to collect and squeeze blood into the ventricles. The ventricles are larger because they need to contract the blood.
3) The left ventricle pumps blood to the entire body while the right only pumps blood to the lungs. 
4) The left AV Valves (mitral) function is to close when the left ventricle contracts to prevent back flow of the blood from the left atrium and right AV valves(tricuspid) function is to close when the right ventricle contracts. Then the blood from the ventricles can go out of the heart and into the blood vessels. Mitral and tricuspid valves open when the ventricles relax and let blood enter the ventricles from the atria.

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